Is Mexico City Safe? A Safety Guide for Travelers and Climbers

Mexico City, with its vibrant culture, incredible food scene, and wealth of history, holds an undeniable allure for adventurous travellers. Yet, it’s natural to have questions about safety before embarking on your trip. The good news is, that Mexico City can be a safe and rewarding destination for both tourists and those seeking unique climbing experiences nearby. Let’s dive into the realities of safety in Mexico City and provide actionable tips for a secure and enjoyable adventure.

Mexico CityUnderstanding Safety in Mexico City

It’s important to acknowledge that Mexico City, like many large cities, has its share of crime. However, by exercising common sense and taking precautions, you can significantly minimize risks. Certain neighbourhoods, such as Roma, Condesa, and Polanco, are known for being safer and catering well to tourists.  It’s best to research the area you’ll be staying in and venture into less familiar areas with caution, especially late at night.

General Safety Tips

Transportation: Opt for authorized taxi services like Uber or Sitio taxis rather than hailing cabs on the street. Utilize the metro system during the day, but exercise caution on crowded trains.

Staying alert: Be aware of your surroundings, especially in crowded areas, and keep an eye on your belongings. Avoid flashing valuables or large amounts of cash.

Be Scam Savvy: Familiarize yourself with common scams, such as fake ATMs or overly friendly strangers who might distract you to allow for pickpocketing.

Money Matters: Consider using a money belt or splitting up your cash and cards. Leave non-essential valuables in your hotel safe.

Communication is Key: Getting a local SIM card can be incredibly helpful for navigation and communication, especially in case of any issues. Learning a few basic Spanish phrases for emergencies and asking for help can also be useful.

Mexico CitySafety Considerations for Climbers

Choosing Reputable Guides: When planning climbing excursions to areas like Los Dinamos or Peña de Bernal, it’s crucial to go with well-established guides or tour companies. Prioritize those with positive reviews and a demonstrated focus on safety.

Gear Security: Take precautions to safeguard your climbing equipment while in hotels or in transit. Avoid leaving it unattended in public areas.

Area-Specific Cautions: Do your research or consult your guide about any specific safety considerations for the climbing destinations you plan to visit.

Solo Travelers: If travelling alone, be extra mindful of your surroundings and consider joining organized climbing groups or tours for added security.

Weather Watch: Be prepared for sudden weather changes, as these can impact climbs and routes. Check forecasts and pack accordingly.

Wildlife Awareness: Depending on the area, familiarize yourself with any potential animal or insect hazards and take appropriate precautions.

Buddy Up: Emphasize the importance of always climbing with a partner or group, especially in less populated areas.

Emergency Resources

In the unlikely event of an emergency, here are some essential resources:

Emergency Numbers:

Police/Ambulance/Fire: 911

Trusted Hospitals:

ABC Medical Center (Santa Fe or Observatorio locations)

Hospital Español

Your Embassy or Consulate: Have the contact information for your country’s diplomatic representation in Mexico readily available.

Mexico CityDispelling Myths and Embracing the Experience

While it’s wise to be prepared, don’t let exaggerated safety fears deter you from experiencing all that Mexico City has to offer. Countless travellers, including solo adventurers and women,  have safe and fulfilling trips to this dynamic city every year. By staying informed and taking sensible precautions, you can too!


Should I avoid Mexico City altogether?

Absolutely not! With awareness and the right preparation, Mexico City can be a fantastic travel destination.

Is it safe for female travellers?

While solo female travellers should exercise extra caution, as in many places around the world, Mexico City can be safe for women. Consider joining female-focused travel groups or tours for added comfort.

Can I drink the tap water?

It’s best to stick to bottled water to be on the safe side.

What about safety outside the city?

Research the specific areas you’re planning to visit, and always opt for reputable climbing guides.

Is it safe to eat out alone?

Yes! Mexico City has a phenomenal food scene. Stick to well-populated restaurants and exercise the same caution you would in any city.

Is Mexico City safe at night?

Certain areas have a vibrant nightlife, but be extra vigilant, avoid walking alone late at night, and stick to well-lit, populated areas.

Let’s get climbing!

With this guide, you’re well-equipped to plan your adventure confidently!

Mexico City Real Talk about Safety in Mexico City

It’s Nuanced: Understand that media coverage often focuses on negative incidents. The reality for most visitors is enjoying a safe and enriching trip.

The Power of Preparation: By doing your research, being aware of your surroundings, and taking sensible precautions (like you are now!), you minimize risks and maximize the enjoyment of your adventure.

Warm Welcome: Most locals are incredibly friendly and hospitable. Don’t let fear overshadow the potential for wonderful interactions and cultural exchange.

Mexico CityBonus: Practical Tips

Getting Connected: Purchase a local SIM card at the airport or phone shops. Providers like Telcel offer good coverage. This is invaluable for using Google Maps and translation apps, and calling taxis if needed.

Un poquito de Español: Learn some basics: “Hola” (hello), “Por favor” (please), “Gracias” (thank you), “¿Dónde está…?” (Where is…?), “La cuenta” (the bill), and “Ayuda” (help).


Please note that safety situations can change. This post was last updated on February 20, 2024.


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