How Long Does It Take to Climb Mount Everest? in 2024

Climb Mount Everest: Introduction

Mount Everest, the world’s tallest peak, attracts seasoned mountaineers and ambitious adventurers. Scaling its summit is an ultimate feat. If you’re wondering about the undertaking’s length, let’s dive into the details.

Meticulous planning, physical stamina, and unwavering determination are necessary for the climb to the top, but for many, even these may not be sufficient to navigate this treacherous terrain. In what time frame does it take to summit Mount Everest? The answer is not one-size-fits-all. We have compiled a guide detailing the various stages involved and their respective timeframes.

How Long Does It Take to Climb Mount Everest? in 2024The Trek to Base Camp

Initiation: The Everest expedition begins with a flight to Lukla, Nepal, followed by a multi-day trek to Everest Base Camp (EBC) at around 17,500 feet. This trek itself takes approximately 7–10 days.

Acclimatization: The base camp serves as a crucial acclimatisation hub. Here, your body adjusts to the high altitude in preparation for the climb. This initial acclimatization phase at EBC can take a few weeks.

How Long Does It Take to Climb Mount Everest? in 2024The Ascending

Climbing Stages: Climbers ascend from EBC through a series of progressively higher camps:

Camp 1: Around 20,000 feet, Situated 6,065 meters (19,900 or 20,000 feet) above the icefall, this camp is primarily transient, with the majority of climbers spending just one night there. As Camp 2 is being established, this one serves as a transitional camp.

Camp 2: Situated at 6,500 meters (21,300 feet) above sea level, also referred to as Advanced Base Camp, this camp features spacious dining and kitchen tents as well as smaller sleeping tents.

Camp 3: Situated on the Lhotse Wall at 7,470 meters (22,300 feet), approximately 24,000 feet.

Camp 4: The “Death Zone,” situated at a height of roughly 26,000 feet Known as the Death Zone, this camp is situated in the South Col at 7,920 meters (26,000 feet). 

Acclimatization Rotations: Between setting up camps, climbers perform acclimatization rotations, ascending to higher camps, and then descending for rest and recovery. This process can take several weeks.

The Summit Push: With proper acclimatization, the final push to the summit begins. Expect this to take approximately 4-5 days, with climbers ascending from Camp 4, spending a brief time at the top, and carefully descending back to base camp.

The summit push is the most demanding and dangerous phase of the Everest climb.  Climbers typically depart from Camp 4 (located in the “Death Zone”) around midnight, aiming to reach the summit 10–12 hours later. This gruelling ascent involves navigating steep, icy terrain, exposed ridges, and the infamous Hillary Step (though altered after the 2015 earthquake). Oxygen levels are extremely low, increasing the risk of exhaustion, frostbite, and altitude-related illnesses.

How Long Does It Take to Climb Mount Everest? in 2024Total Time Commitment to Climb Mount Everest

The entire Everest expedition typically spans two to three months. Here’s an estimated breakdown:

Trek to Base Camp: 7–10 days

Initial Acclimatization at Base Camp: A few weeks

Climbing Rotations and Camp Setup: Several weeks

Summit Push and Descent: 4-5 days,

How Long Does It Take to Climb Mount Everest? in 2024Factors Affecting Duration

Weather: Weather conditions play a vital role. Unfavorable conditions, like high winds and storms, can lead to significant delays.

Climber’s Experience: Mountaineering experience and fitness levels influence the time required for acclimatization and the ascent itself.

Support: A well-organized expedition with experienced guides and Sherpas can optimize the expedition timeline.


Can anyone climb Mount Everest?

While technically possible, Everest requires significant mountaineering skills, excellent physical fitness, and the ability to function in extreme conditions.

What is the best time to climb Mount Everest?

The primary climbing seasons are pre-monsoon (April-May) and post-monsoon (September–October), when weather conditions are generally more favourable.

How much does it cost to climb Mount Everest?

Expect to budget a considerable amount, ranging from $30,000 to $85,000 or even higher. Costs cover permits, gear, guides, Sherpa support, food, and travel.

Can a helicopter fly to the top of Mount Everest?

While helicopters can reach high altitudes, landing on the summit of Everest is extremely dangerous and rare. Thin air reduces lift, and unpredictable winds pose significant risks. Rescues have been performed by helicopter at high altitudes, but it’s not a routine method for reaching the summit.

Why does it take 2 months to climb Everest?

The extended time required to climb Everest is primarily due to the need for acclimatization. The human body needs time to gradually adapt to the extremely high altitude and low oxygen levels. The process involves ascending to higher camps, then descending for rest, allowing the body to produce more red blood cells to carry oxygen. Rushing through this process can lead to severe altitude sickness.


Climb Mount Everest is a monumental undertaking, demanding time, dedication, and resilience. Understanding the timeline is crucial for planning and preparation. If you dream of reaching the world’s peak, remember that the journey is as extraordinary as the destination itself.


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